Last December 11th , OFION had the pleasure to attend #InnovationDay18.

A space was reserved for some panelists with a common vision of the future of innovation, focused on education power to generate next era of digitalization and others such as OFION empowering companies and SMEs to jump beyond an immediate impact in technology market.

During the day, different experts and speakers were sharing experiences and open debate with the public. Break time was also a perfect zone where keep discussing about interesting topics regarded to the event and visiting the available booths about EIT Digital projects of node members. OFION was one of those projects and we could show some material about the project.

You can follow the agenda and what happened at Innovation day, clicking this link and following @EIT_Digital and the hashtag #InnovationDay18 on twitter. Moreover, on Facebook group can find more pictures.

Thank you very much for a wonderful and funny day at EIT, attendants and professionals that have been very involved for create a successful day.